From November 5, 2024, the acceptance of articles for the fourth issues of the journals is closed.
Articles for consideration and review are accepted for all issues of 2025.
Theoretical and practical problems of psychology
Scientific and practical journal
Chief editor — Ermolaeva Marina Valerievna, Dr. Sci. (Psychology), Professor.
HAC list. К2. Russian Research Citation Index (RRCI)
Scientific categories of the journals, according to which they are included into the HAC list:
5.3.1. General psychology, psychology of personality, history of psychology (psychological disciplines)
5.3.4. Educational psychology, psychodiagnostics of digital educational environments (psychological disciplines)
5.3.7. Developmental psychology (psychological disciplines)
ISSN (printed version): 2073-8544
DOI: 10.51944/20738544_
Publication frequency: 4 journals annually.
Subscription index — 36648 (
Research and methodological journal
Chief editor — Alekhin Igor Alekseevich, Dr. Sci. (Pedagogy), Professor, Associate member of the RAE.
HAC list. К2. Russian Research Citation Index (RRCI)
Scientific categories, according to which the journal is included into the HAC list:
5.3.1. General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology (psychological disciplines)
5.3.4. Educational psychology, psychodiagnostics of digital educational environments (psychological disciplines)
5.8.1. General Pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education (pedagogical disciplines)
5.8.2. Theory and Methodology of education and upbringing (according to disciplines and levels of education) (pedagogical disciplines)
5.8.7. Methodology and technology of vocational education (pedagogical disciplines)
ISSN (printed version): 2073-8536
DOI: 10.51944/20738536_
Publication frequency: 4 journals annually
Subscription index — 80531 (
Theoretical and practical problems of psychology and pedagogics
Scientific and practical journal
Chief editor — Grigorovich Lyubov Alekseevna, Dr. Sci. (Psychology), Professor.
HAC list. К2. Russian Research Citation Index (RRCI)
Scientific categories, according to which the journal is included into the HAC list:
5.3.4. Educational psychology, psychodiagnostics of digital educational environments (psychological disciplines)
5.3.7. Developmental psychology (psychological disciplines)
5.8.1. General Pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education (pedagogical disciplines)
5.8.2. Theory and Methodology of education and upbringing (according to disciplines and levels of education) (pedagogical disciplines)
5.8.7. Methodology and Technology of vocational education (pedagogical disciplines)
ISSN (printed version): 2072-2516
DOI: 10.51944/20722516_
Publication frequency: 4 journals annually
Subscription index — 36640 (
Research and methodological journal
Chief editor — Podolskiy Andrey Ilyich, Dr. Sci. (Psychology), Professor.
HAC list. К1. Russian Research Citation Index (RRCI)
Scientific categories, according to which the journal is included into the HAC list:
5.3.1. General psychology, psychology of personality, history of psychology (psychological disciplines)
5.3.4. Educational psychology, psychodiagnostics of digital educational environments (psychological disciplines)
5.3.5. Social Psychology, politic and economic psychology (psychological disciplines)
5.8.1. General Pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education (pedagogical disciplines)
ISSN (printed version): 2073-8528
DOI: 10.51944/20738528_
Publication frequency: 4 journals annually
Subscription index — 47110 (
IZVESTIA of the Russian Academy of Education
Scientific journal
Deputy editor-in-chief — Bondyreva Svetlana Konstantinovna, Ph. D. (Pedagogy), Dr. Sci. (Psychology), Professor, Academician of the RAE.
HAC list. К2. Russian Research Citation Index (RRCI)
Scientific categories, according to which the journal is included into the HAC list:
5.8.1. General Pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education (pedagogical disciplines)
Journal is included into the Russian Research Citation Index.
ISSN (printed version): 2073-8498
DOI: 10.51944/20738498_
Publication frequency: 4 journals annually
Subscription index — 71933 (
01.09.2023 00:00
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