The use of case technology in conducting a comprehensive intermodule examination in the master’s program allows, on the one hand, to check systematically the achievement of educational results in several disciplines of the master’s program through the performance of practical tasks, and on the other hand, to increase the motivation of students for group interaction and independent research work during the examination task. Such effects can be achieved by using a step-by-step algorithm for preparing and conducting a comprehensive exam using practice-oriented cases, which was proved during the study. 54 first-year students of the master’s program of the Moscow City Pedagogical University “Development of personal potential in education: personalization and digitalization” participated in the experiment. A small questionnaire containing closed and open-ended questions was used as a feedback tool. To analyze the results, graphical visualization methods were used and a qualitative analysis of the detailed responses of students was carried out. In the course of the experimental study, the effectiveness of the use of management cases for creating a personality-developing educational environment, taken from the real practice of implementing the program of the Charitable Foundation “Contribution to the Future” for the development of personal potential, was revealed. The results obtained can be widely used not only in the implementation of a specific master’s program, but also in general can enrich the educational practice of pedagogical universities.