The article proposes to consider the conditions for the integration of foreign students into the educational process of a modern university on the example of the Bratsk State University. It is shown that the psychological phenomenon of personality integration into a new society for her, in its structure contains cognitive, value and activity components; as the main condition for the integration of foreign students into the educational process, a specially developed and experimentally tested model of personality integration can act, including a methodological block, diagnostic tools, as well as a program of training sessions with foreign students students separately, and with an integral group of students during the involvement of the latter in active work in practical classes of a series of humanities; the program of training sessions should be focused on all components of the structure of the phenomenon of integration of the individual into a new society. It is found that the level of development of the integration of the personality of foreign students is highly correlated with the level of formation of the polysubjectivity of their personality and can be studied both from the position of a differentiated and from the position of an integrative approach in experimental work with respondents of the education system.