The article reflects some of the materials of the theoretical part of Liu Lu’s dissertation research devoted to the development of a scientifically based methodology for raising children’s interest in piano music based on the integration of general musical and elementary piano education in China. The study has been conducted since 2022. under the scientific guidance of T. I. Baklanova at the Department of Methodology and Technologies of Pedagogy of Music Education named after. E. B. Abdullin of the Moscow Pedagogical State University. The purpose of this article is to reveal the cultural-historical and musical-pedagogical foundations for designing this technique. The article first gives a general description of the formation and development of musical and educational activities aimed at raising children’s interest in listening to and performing piano music in the 19th–21st centuries, and then substantiates the importance of the Russian educational project “Music for All” for creating the author’s integrated method of raising interest children to piano music. This technique will be developed and experimentally tested until 2024 as part of Liu Lu’s dissertation research.