Published Date: 01.07.2024

Status of Autoaggression in the Paradigm of Types of Aggressiveness of a Teenager


The purpose of the work is to study the place and features of the relationship of autoaggression with various types of aggressiveness of a teenager. The study involved 346 adolescents (age = 11–16). The “Aggressiveness Test” technique was used (L. G. Pochebut’s questionnaire). It was revealed that autoaggression is a significant specific feature of adolescent aggressiveness, which retains its severity throughout adolescence. The features of the severity of the results of 5 scales of aggressiveness at different stages of adolescence were found. The structure and ranking of the types of aggressiveness of a teenager are revealed, which make it possible to establish the features of their transformation in the process of growing up of students. Correlations and differences between types of aggressiveness are presented.


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