Published Date: 01.10.2023

The Educational Process and Specifics of Its Reproduction: Historical, Philosophical, and Psychological Aspects (The Approach from the Synergetic Historicism Viewpoint). Part 2


The article, The Educational Process and Specifics of Its Reproduction: Historical, Philosophical, and Psychological Aspects (The Approach from the Synergetic Historicism Viewpoint) is focused on discussing the new methodological approach from the terms of Synergetic Historicism to the study on the educational process’ specifics and to the analysis of historical, philosophical, and psychological aspects of conceptualizing the education phenomenon. The results of the investigation in question based on the Law of Self-Organizing Social and Cultural Ideals and the Method of Dual Oppositions as well as on the results of the analysis of the world history of developing educational concepts, showed that the educational process regarded as the dynamic factor of modifying the biological nature of self-conscious subjects may be reconsidered as the process of permanent sublimating the instinctive nature of human species transformed into social and cultural animals with the Self originally inherent to them. The approach proposed allows not only to rethink the phenomenon in question under conditions of the human brain structure digitally transformed, but also to take into consideration the specific nature of conscious subjects as the bearers of spiritual values, on the one hand, and as the consumers of utilities, on the other.


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