Published Date: 01.07.2023

Substantiation of Priority Professional Standards for the Voronezh Region in the Field of Physical Culture and Sports


The article presents the results of a comprehensive study aimed at substantiating physical culture and sports (hereinafter referred to as PСаS) professional standards that are a high priority for the Voronezh region. It is advisable to use them as a reference point for the adjustment of the main professional educational program of higher education 49.03.01 “Physical culture”, program track “Physical education”. The study was carried out during the period 2020–2023 and included identification of the needs of the region residents in the labor functions fulfillment of the employees in PСаS; a retrospective analysis of the formation and development of physical education in Russia; analytical work to identify the professional standards in the field of PСаS that are in demand in the region, and compared with the current Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education (3++) for the bachelor’s degree program “Physical culture and Sports”. As a result, we found that the only universal standard corresponding to labor activity in all types of institutions of the Voronezh region is the professional standard 05.008 “The head of the organization (division of the organization) carrying out activities in the field of physical culture and sports”. Since training of the most popular physical education personnel in the region is carried out within the framework of the program 49.03.01 “Physical culture”, program track “Physical education”, the following standards should also be among the priorities: 05.005 “Specialist in instructional and methodological work in the field of physical culture and sports”, 05.012 “Trainer-teacher”, 05.013 “Specialist in the promotion of fitness services”, 05.017 “Fitness specialist (fitness trainer)”, 05.018 “Specialist in school and student sports”.


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