Published Date: 01.04.2024

Methodological Issues of Research on Locus of Control in Older Preschoolers


The problem of constructing methodological tools and an extremely limited number of methods for locus of control studying in older preschoolers is discussed. It determines the shortage of studies of locus of control characteristics at the age of preschoolers. The locus of control is considered to be a universal personal characteristic in relationships, actions, activities. Over the half-century period of locus of control studying its influence on many structures of personal development has been determined, including its connection with motivational, cognitive, communicative and other social components of personality. This knowledge indicates the important functional role of the locus of control both in the general structure of personality and in the dynamics of a person’s age-related development, starting from the moment of its manifestation in older preschool age. Therefore, studies of locus of control in older preschoolers are of particular value. This paper presents the review of psychological tools and techniques, existing in the psychological practice world, designed for the locus of control studying in older preschoolers. The main characteristics of these techniques, criteria and approaches to their development are considered as well as an adaptive version of the Stanford scale questionnaire for locus of control studying “SPIES” is presented for the first time in author’s translation. The questionnaire “SPIES” is unknown to a wide range of Russian psychologists, but it is considered as rather perspective for working with older preschoolers.


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