Published Date: 01.01.2024

Psychological Factors of Students’ Wellbeing in Educational Settings


The success of student learning at university depends on the psychological well-being of students, the concept of which has not been sufficiently studied. The purpose of the work was to study the relationship between psychological factors of well-being of 1–2 year university students based on the use of tests: Psychological Well-Being Scale by C. Ryff; Test of life-meaning orientations; Vitality test; Tolerance of Uncertainty Questionnaire. Significant relationships between testing indicators were established: between the personal well-being of students and the factors of life-meaning orientation, resilience, control, presence of life goals and meaningfulness. Students with high well-being showed greater resilience and a positive attitude towards others and themselves, and had a positive attitude towards completing difficult tasks. a new approach to considering psychological well-being in the form of a benevolent attitude in life is proposed.


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