Published Date: 01.01.2024

Aggressive Behavior in the Educational Environment: aAalysis of the Results of Empirical Research and Ways to sSlve the Problem


The results of a study of the problem of aggressive behavior of subjects of educational relations conducted in 2023 in 20 regions of the Russian Federation are presented. The target group of the study was young people aged 14 to 22 years. 3012 respondents took part in the study. The online survey was conducted using an adapted questionnaire by R. A. Andrianova. The purpose of the study is to assess the prevalence of various types and forms of aggressive behavior in the educational environment. Research objectives: to identify various types of aggressive behavior — verbal, physical, cyber aggression, cyberbullying; to identify forms of aggressive actions: direct or indirect, face-to-face (offline) or remotely (online); to assess role affiliation in a situation of aggressive behavior (aggressor / stalker, victim and witness / observer), to determine a resource for overcoming aggressive ways of interaction of subjects of educational relations. It is established that different types and forms of aggressive behavior are interrelated and mutually conditioned as a result of the prevailing destructive interactions in an educational organization. It is proved that the comprehensive prevention of aggressive behavior is an important area of ensuring a safe educational environment in general and the personal safety of each subject of educational relations.


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