Published Date: 01.01.2024

Psychological Well-being of Adolescents in the North


The article presents the results of the study of psychological well-being of adolescents living in the northern region and being in the new educational conditions of the “school of stages”. The study involved 82 adolescents (15–16 years old). The main emphasis is placed on various aspects of psychological well-being and self-assessment of mental states. It is found that there is a close negative relationship between psychological well-being and mental states of adolescents: anxiety, frustration, rigidity, aggression, and dispositional optimism. It was found that in classes of psycho-pedagogical and social and humanitarian profiles well-being indicators are expressed lower than in the general education class, which can be a target for psychological and pedagogical impact in order to improve adaptation, increase psycho-emotional state and improve well-being indicators.


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