Published Date: 01.04.2024

Technology for the Development of Professional Competence of Students of Pedagogical Specialties Based on an Integrative Approach


This article discusses methods and means of developing the professional and creative competence of students. The design methodology proposed by the authors is aimed at creating professional competence that ensures the use of the following pedagogical technology: the formation of basic training options, the automatic formation of new individual options from basic or other options and their automated or automatic adaptation and optimization, training based on individual options, monitoring the degree of formation of potential competence, based on its results, current ones can be adjusted or new individual options can be formed for the next stage of training, etc. The authors have developed a teaching methodology that allows students to develop integrative thinking and develop high-level professional and creative competence in them. The proposed methodology is implemented through a standard and new set of teaching methods and tools, a developed set of integrative mathematical and specialized tasks.


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