Published Date: 01.04.2024

“The Power over the Curriculum”: how Recontextualization Occurs in Teaching Practices (Using the Example of Competitive Open Lessons)


The presented article is devoted to one of the most important topics of pedagogy — the recontextualization of the curriculum. Foreign studies (the theory of B. Bernstein) link the recontextualization of the curriculum with the freedom of the educational actors in the struggle for power over it. This approach shows the mechanisms of curriculum recontextualization and the interaction of teachers due to the control the structural elements of lesson. Authors offer an attempt to analyze interpretations of the curriculum by the participants of the teacher’s competitions. As a fundamental conclusion, the author develops the thesis about the dominance of the teacher’s power over all elements of the pedagogical design of the lesson and the formation of a teaching norm, reduced in its essence and potential.


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