Published Date: 01.10.2022

Development of questionnaires “Test of Existential Motivations in Interpersonal Relationships with Mother/Father”


The paper presents a new Russian-language instrument measuring child-parent relationships based on the concept of fundamental existential motivations by A. Laengle. During the focus group examination an original Russian-language set of 70 statements was developed, for the validation of which two online samples were used (N = 573 and N = 328). Using hierarchical cluster analysis and confirmatory factor analysis we arrived at a set of 36 items grouped into four scales corresponding to four fundamental existential motivations and 12 subscales corresponding to theoretical prerequisites of fundamental motivations. The scales demonstrate acceptable reliability (α in the .73–.96 range, 0.98 for the general score). We sought evidence of validity of the scales by using correlational and multiple regression analyses of their associations with indicators of the Big Five and Subjective Alienation Questionnaire. The results indicate that the “Test of Existential Motivations in Interpersonal Relationships with Mother/Father” (TEMIR-M/F) questionnaire demonstrated high levels of internal consistency and reliability. Designed for an integral retrospective assessment of one’s relationship with parents the new instrument opens up new opportunities for empirical research in the field of child-parent relationships and can also be used in assessment, counseling and psychotherapy.


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