Published Date: 01.10.2022

Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Professional Deformation of a University Teacher


Changes in modern society affect all aspects of a person’s life and require a rethinking of approaches, including in the educational sphere, to the personality of a teacher. The acceleration of the pace of life, problematic moments of interpersonal interactions in the conditions of the pandemic have exacerbated the symptoms of emotional overload, chronic fatigue syndrome, especially in specialists whose professions are associated with constant interaction with people. The professional activity of teachers assumes emotional saturation in situations of high responsibility, multitasking, high actualization and return of cognitive and physical energy, which provokes the development of emotional burnout syndrome. In this connection, the study of the specifics of professional deformations of a teacher in the conditions of changed requirements and challenges of society becomes an urgent necessity both from a psychological and economic point of view. An interdisciplinary approach to the study of this issue allows us to take into account all aspects of the process of prevention and correction of professional deformities of a teacher. The article analyzes the psychological and pedagogical aspects of professional deformations of a teacher: content characteristics, symptoms of emotional burnout, factors affecting the process of occurrence of this condition in teachers; conditions, situations of professional activity that contribute to the emergence of emotional burnout; the results of the approbation of the author’s program for the prevention and correction of the burnout syndrome of university teachers are presented.


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